Adobe Photoshop Portfolio

Dystopia, The first thought.


This picture was made up to show the ideas I had when researching dystopia, so I suppose you could call this image ‘my first thought on dystopia’. The thought that went behind this image was the theme behind ancient china and the samurai’s or medieval battles with swordsmen etc. This seemed like a dystopian world in which I could relate to.

A Dystopian City.

The image above was originally covered with people and vehicles, after hours of using the clone tool (Adobe Photoshop CS3) I was able to remove all necessary people/vehicles. Then after applying several preset brushes/blending tools/blurs and layer adjustments I ended up with the image above.


The Flood

This was a combination of 3 images used to make a normal street look flooded and in the midst of a large storm. This was created using Adobe Photoshop CS3 with the aid of the blending tools found in the program. 


Dystopia Assignment


This was an image I was asked to develop over a period of 6 weeks through research of the word ‘Dystopia’. After thoroughly researching the word, I then briefly designed the poster by combining several ideas many times with different combinations until I found a design I was comfortable with. I then started to draw, scan and design my idea. to complete the given task I used a combination of Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Adobe Illustrator CS3. The image above was the final outcome.

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